Friday, April 25, 2008

There can be only ONE. The FLDS responds to Texas

From the Salt Lake Tribune:

SAN ANGELO, Texas - "An attorney for FLDS families in Texas today challenged the state's claim of a pervasive pattern of underage girls having children, saying the state's own documents show that just two teenagers in custody are pregnant.
Rod Parker, who also acts as a spokesman for the polygamous sect at the YFZ Ranch in Eldorado, said he was basing his statements on a list that was given to him by an unnamed source who said the document was generated by Texas Child Protective Services.
Of the three teenagers listed as pregnant, Parker said, one is about to turn 18 and another refused to take a pregnancy test, he said.
'That leaves us with one,' he said.
Based on that list, Parker said, 'I challenge the CPS to come forward with the pregnant minors'."

Texas has at the outside three girls that the could hang their case on, maybe one. From the tone of his story, they are not friendly witnesses to the state.

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