Thursday, January 22, 2009

Malonis elbows her way back into FLDS spotlight.

What do you do, if you're Barbara Walther's puppet Natalie Malonis and your client is about to "age out?"
Schedule a Deposition while you can still pretend you're acting in your client's interest!

The San Angelo Standard-Times - Lawyer Natalie Malonis, the lightning-rod attorney for imprisoned sect leader Warren Jeffs' now-17-year-old daughter, has subpoenaed:

* Merril Jessop, the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints elder believed to have run the ranch since Jeffs was imprisoned

* Willie Jessop, a sect member who has served as its spokesman since a state raid in April

The depositions - scheduled for Friday and Monday - were confirmed by the Tom Green County District Clerk's Office. Copies of the subpoenas and subsequent motions to quash them, rejected Wednesday by 51st District Judge Barbara Walther, were not immediately available."

Never mind that Teresa Jeffs is almost 18. Certainly it wouldn't be revenge for deposing Texas Law Enforcement figures and Walther Buddies David Doran, John Connor, and Brooks Long. Nah. Get them on record and ask 'em questions while you still have the legal authority to depose them.

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TxBluesMan said...

No comment on her motion to compel testimony?

Hugh McBryde said...


"Motion to COMPEL testimony," what, were they going to rake fingernails across a chalk board until Merril talked? I hear he plead the fifth right down the line.


I think the only motion that could be made to compel his testimony would be granting immunity.

By the way Blues, 'sup dude? Yer Back!