Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I guess she wasn't exactly hiding it...

Rebecca Ann Bramlett (120lbs, dark hair, green eyes, 5'4", pretty fetching mug shot, hmmm?) was driving her lover home the last weekend of April 2008 with the news of YFZ still ringing in everyone's ears.
"The Houston Chronicle - The investigation began when (Ms. Bramlett) was pulled over on a minor traffic stop about 1:40 a.m. Saturday (April 26th, 2008), Brady said.

When the deputy began talking to Bramlett, she said, 'we are having an affair and I am taking him home,' (Fort Bend County Sheriff's Chief Deputy Craig) Brady said."
This could be the proverbial case of "please stop me before I screw a kid again." After all, she did just up and say it. One wonders if she clapped her hand over her mouth and said "whoopsies" afterward.

Probable cause? Check. Ms. Bramlett was stopped for a traffic violation.

Extant circumstance? Check. Ms. Bramlett blurted out her crime. Only the age of her alleged victim was not specifically disclosed, at least in the dialogue as it is presented to us.

So, tried, convicted, off to the big house, right?

Nah. At least it has not been reported as such. But if you go to the Texas Sex Offenders registry, you will find her there. She's out and about, convicted (plea bargained to) a violation of "TX:11990002, Sexual Assault (of a) Child, Attempt to commit."

Wait, didn't she say they were having an affair?

She got.....

(Wait for it.)

NO PROBATION. She is required to report annually and is on the sex offender registry until 2026.

Ms. Bramlett (who resigned in between her arrest and the reporting of the story) was a middle school teacher, and her victim was probably a student of hers, at least at one time, and was 16 at the time of her conviction.

Ms. Bramlett has successfully stayed out of the news since the incident. She didn't get 33 years, or 75, or 7. Is this because she didn't hide the act? Has she since interfered with witnesses as Lauren Cosgrove did? Inquiring minds want to know, and your Modern Pharisee, has (at least some of) the answers.

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1 comment:

Double Minded Man said...


If it didn't happen so often it would be unbelievable. Unfortunately I am all too able to believe that she got off scot free. Despicable.