Tuesday, June 17, 2008

New Court Dates...

Ok, there is no coordination here, none at all. Of course not.

Warren's next court date is July the 11th.

So the schedule, which in no way involves one case looking at the other to see what happens first is:

Rozita on Monday the 9th in Colorado Springs.

Warren on Wednesday the 11th, in Kingman I believe. I'm still waiting on exact details.

Allen Steed no sooner than Monday of the next week. He got that variable no sooner than 60 days from the middle of last month delay in which rumors of a "plea bargain" were bandied about.

Make of it what you will, that's the schedule. Let the next round of maneuvering begin, again.

Meanwhile, back at the YFZ Ranch, no one has been arrested, we know of no indictments 18 sealed ones were handed down immediately after Barbara Walthers convened it. Sounds real rubber stamp to me.

Still no arrests, still no crime, still no victims.

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