Wednesday, September 22, 2010

And he does not deny, most importantly, that he is TxBluesMan

I got a letter from someone purporting to be Gregory Prickett:
"September 22, 2010

Mr. Scott Ledbetter


Mr. Hugh D. McBryde


Mr. William J. Medvecky


Sent via: E-Mail


I have recently been made aware that your weblogs “Ye Olde Journalist” (, “Modern Pharisee” (, and “Free the FLDS Children” ( contain false and defamatory statements about me.

You have published the following false statements and / or substantively similar statements; if not immediately retracted, these false statements will damage my personal and professional reputation and interfere with my ability to conduct my business in the community in which I live and practice my profession:

1. Any statement or implication that I, directly or by omission, participated in the use of excessive force.

2. Any label such as “Rent-a-cop” or similar terminology as applied to me.

3. Any statement, implication, or reference to my having possession or distributing “kiddie porn” or child pornography.

4. Any statement or implication that I am a pedophile or sexual deviant.

5. The statement “We filed a complaint against TBM, who we know wrote all of the FLDS information on the Wiki site for filing info under different, false names (A violation of Wiki rules) and this was his (The Pricks) response to that complaint” or any statement of substantially similar substance.

6. Any statement or implication that any family members of mine are involved in publishing FLDS related materials on the internet or elsewhere.

7. Any statement or implication that I have distributed or disclosed protected health information in violation of any Privacy Act.

8. Any statement or implication that I have used University equipment, property, the University’s name, or my position in violation of any state or federal rule, regulation, or statute.

By this letter, demand is hereby made that you immediately and prominently retract in writing each and every of the foregoing false statements and substantively similar false statements. Demand is further made that you immediately cease and desist from making further false statements about me. Your failure to immediately retract the statements pursuant to this notice will be regarded as an intentional and malicious course of conduct designed to harm me.

Demand is hereby made that any you immediately cease and desist further release of private matters of a non-public nature. Your failure to immediately cease such activities pursuant to this notice will be regarded as an intentional and malicious course of conduct designed to harm me.

Each or all of you have communicated false, defamatory and abusive statements about me to individuals at my place of employment. These statements will damage my professional reputation and interfere with my ability to practice my profession, now and in the future. Demand is hereby made that you immediately cease and desist from communicating at my place of business and that you immediately cease and desist from making further false or abusive statements about me. Your failure to immediately cease making statements pursuant to this notice will be regarded as an intentional and malicious course of conduct designed to harm me.


Gregory J. Prickett"
Oh Puh-Leeeeeeeez

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Unknown said...



Hugh McBryde said...

I've never fully "gotten" the concept of being "OWNED."

Normally in this context it means I have "Fallen" for something. I've no idea if this letter is from Sgt Greg Prickett of UNT and I say so in the post.

It would SEEM to be From Greg Prickett and I did get the letter.

Unknown said...

For the meaning of OWNED!:

Glad I can assist you, Hugh. :)

Unknown said...

An no, Hugh, this isn't Mr. Prick. I'm a long time reader and follower of you and Bill and a current FLDS member. I was saying that TBM was "OWNED!". Sorry if I wasn't clear.

Hugh McBryde said...

Yup, if that's TBM/Prickett, he's "owned." Thanks for the education :)

yutthehay said...

Hit bird flutters.

Can you imagin what would happen if an FLDS person was to demand that kind of a retraction of things said about them. If you are right and true and honest you don't need to worry about what others say......

Vulture said...

My kids would disown me if I didn't correct Bradley.

The proper syntax is 'Pwned'.

Unknown said...

The word "Pwned" came from the word owned. A map creator on a popular computer game made a typo and at the end of a game it said "you have pwned the enemy". Both pwned and owned are used quite often. So Vulture, I guess we're both right. :)

Anonymous said...

In the upcoming podcast of That Polygamy Show (, I refute each of his claims one by one.

Here is a question though: what does it say when a liar calls you a liar?