Friday, October 02, 2009

FLDS Smear Campaign extends to Korea

A few weeks ago, we here in the Vast Pro FLDS Conspiracy noted a ramp up of negative publicity, as the "Try 'em in the press" strategy of Texas came back from the grave. But really, an English London Correspondent writing for a paper in the capital of my adopted homeland?
Can you say "Astroturfing?"
The Seoul Times - "In Yemen, more than a quarter of girls are married before the age of 15; some as young as 11. This is blamed on poverty and lack of education.

Elissa Wall, at the age of 14, was forced to marry her 19-year-old first cousin in 2001. However, Elissa Wall is not one of the Yemeni child brides. She was born and raised in the United States, and her 'marriage' took place in Utah, within the confines of the closed religious community known as the Fundamentalist Church of the Latter Day Saints."
Gone from the story now are the mysterious origins of the raid. Origins that may partly trace back to the "Hope Organization" itself.

In it's place is an unexamined assertion of the Warren Jeffs rape conviction:
"This led to Jeffs’s conviction in 2007 on two counts of being an accomplice to rape. However, this case is still ongoing, with an appeal hearing scheduled for November 3rd.

The Hope Organisation, which fights against underage and polygamous marriage in the US, publishes regular reports on its website showing that the FLDS is still alive and strong. This polygamous sect boasts more than 10,000 members, and controls the twin towns of Colorado City, Arizona, and Hildale, Utah."
What has this been really about all this time and what really is this article saying? "Your children are ours." As bizzarre as they may seem to us, ultimately your views may now, or will soon seem bizzarre to someone else, and when that happens, they too will tell you whose children they really are.

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