Friday, December 11, 2009

Something is up at the Keate trial (UPDATED)

Something with the jury. (Rumor to follow) First:
The Polygamy File/Brooke Adams/Twitter - "Texas jury in Allan Keate case is in recess until Monday after hearing some testimony from Rebecca Musser, according to Steve Anderson."
And then:
"(T)he judge is interviewing each juror individually in chambers before dismissing them. (The) question: Is something amiss?"
Just when you thought it was going to get dull.

The pattern of jury surveillance in the various trials has been to clean them up to keep the prosecution safe. I honestly don't think Walther cares if there is someone on the jury that hates the FLDS, unless she thinks it might taint the verdict later.

It could just be that Barbara is telling them to behave over the weekend.

RUMOR - The rumor is someone shot their mouth off about something after being selected as a juror. In Eldorado, that kind of news would get around very fast.

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