Once in a while I post on non religious topics. Politics interest me of course, and the environment is part of the larger political debate in this country and other developed countries similar to ours, but in developing countries? Green? Environment? You can choke on it as far as they are concerned.
I have my most interesting political discussions with my daughters. One is a bit green, the other is inclined to be anti Israel and pro Palestinian. I've covered the middle east in one post as a result of a discussion with one daughter, and now, the green one.
While we're hand wringing over emissions, safety, "bio diesel" and whatnot, the rest of the world is getting on with digging themselves out the basic issues of survival and moving rapidly towards (as Douglas Adams put it) "where shall we do lunch?" To get there you need a car and India is revolutionizing the car industry. India. Tata is an Indian car maker and they've just finished developing and putting into production, the "Nano," which costs all of $2500.00, so it's going to sell. But all is not well, because this upsets the Greens, of which there are very few in India. Once everyone has a car, they might get green, but right now they want a car instead of wanting to hoof it, yet the Greens complain:
"Green campaigners point to India’s terrible road system and rising pollution levels. 'Even if they claim it will be fuel efficient, the sheer numbers will undermine this,' Vivek Chattopadhyaya, an air pollution specialist at the Centre for Science and Environment in Delhi, said. 'India’s infrastructure doesn’t have the capacity.' The centre estimates that the five million vehicles on Delhi roads today meet only a fifth of the capital’s transport needs. Most people travel by bus but could be convinced to buy a car at such a low price. Delhi, where air pollution levels are more than twice the safe limit, is already registering 1,000 new vehicles a day. As more cars hit the road, the average speed at peak times has fallen to 7mph, which should at least ease concerns about safety in case of accidents."
It's only going to get worse with the new Nano. So while we hand wring over making the world a better place, the 1.12 billion people of India want what we have. Wheels, and they're going to get them. They have their own definition of making the world a better place, and it doesn't include paying $10,000.00 for a car that is green. We're trying to stem the tide of world wide pollution by pretending that when we clean up our act, the world is a better place. I've just discussed India here, the second most populous country in the world. Need I mention China?
Read the article in the "UK Times." I'm wondering, will a leftist Greenie government in our country decide to use our military to take out Tata's plant and save the world?
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