Friday, December 11, 2009

South Carolina's First Lady, Jenny Sanford, doesn't want to be, anymore.

Jenny Sanford, files for divorce:
The Palm Beach Post/AP - " 'This came after many unsuccessful efforts at reconciliation, yet I am still dedicated to keeping the process that lies ahead peaceful for our family,' Jenny Sanford said in a statement.

A spokesman for her husband, Gov. Mark Sanford, had no immediate comment. The divorce complaint was filed Friday in Charleston County Family Court.

Jenny Sanford's announcement came after a week of wrenching twists in her relationship with the governor. A legislative panel rebuked him for his conduct, he told reporters he still wanted to reconcile with his wife, and she said in a television interview that it was a simple decision to not stand with him as he publicly confessed the affair.

'Certainly his actions hurt me, and they caused consequences for me, but they don't in any way take away my own self-esteem," she told ABC's Barbara Walters. 'They reflect poorly on him.'

Her divorce complaint did not mention money, property or custody arrangements for the couple's four sons."
And another Christian Morals oriented couple in Politics and in society in general, who think women, can divorce men.

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Chatelaine said...

Can't say I blame her.
I hope she's got a great attorney who helps her to clean out his bank account.

Riki said...

If my husband had done what Gov Sanford did AND told the entire world that he was just going to have to learn to fall in love with me again (like it's some god-awful chore you have to do but hate), I would meet him at the door with a loaded gun & tell him to get all of his crap off of my front lawn...oh, honey, is it on fire? My bad. How's about I give you a 10-second head start instead? 10 9 8 7....

Hugh McBryde said...

Well, he is a lying sack, of, um....

Anyway, I understand he got most of his money from her, so she probably will clean him out.

Maybe Gov. Sanford can go live out his true love in a "Banana Republic".