Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me?

Things are really bad, when you think 17 years in jail, is good.
From the San Angelo Standard-Times:
"(Eric) Nichols said Schleicher County has done its duty in presiding over three trials.

'The trials have been a tremendous burden on this county,' Nichols said.

FLDS spokesman Willie Jessop said Nichols was sore because he didn’t get 'as stiff a sentence' as he wanted, compared with the 75-year and $10,000 fine sentence an FLDS member received for the same charge out of Tom Green County.

'I think it was easily exploited in Tom Green County,' Jessop said, claiming that the FLDS presence was sensationalized.

Floyd West, a rancher in Schleicher County who has attended every day of court, said he is a neighbor to the YFZ Ranch and is disappointed with the sentence.

'I felt it was a slap on the wrist,' West said. 'I felt like he should have gotten a lot more.' "
Oh, you mean like the deferred probation your state gives out to teachers that jump little boys Floyd?

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