Tuesday, November 10, 2009

El Paso County Responds, Rozita to be tried NEXT YEAR.

I called, and I emailed Frederick Stein, Senior Deputy District Attorney for El Paso County Colorado.
This is my letter, to him:
"Mr. Stein,

I have several questions with regard to the Rozita Swinton case, that continues to be delayed. From where I stand this seems to be the oldest misdemeanor case in El Paso county, at this time.

Are you aware of the recently concluded CSPD IA investigation regarding Lt. Magdalena Santos and her well known (around CSPD) association with the defendant?

Are you aware of a statement made by Becky Hoerth, Rozita's former roommate in which she states that Lt. Magdalena Santos (980D) and Lt, Jane Anderson have interfered in a case or cases involving Rozita before, in her favor? This 50 page statement appears to have been generated in the first half of 2008, probably in April.

Are you aware of Rozita being used as "voice talent" for CSPD/CBI (and possibly FBI) internet sex sting operations that drew in suspects from across the Western United States? CSPD in conjunction with a task force was using phone contacts with leads picked up on the internet in which adults successfully portrayed themselves as little girls, to lure in predator suspects.

All of this looks terribly suspicious in view of the fact that the defendant sparked the largest child custody case in US history last year and in view of the fact that her attorney, former El Paso county prosecutor David Foley rather loudly stated he had "surprises" regarding the case in April of last year, a week after Rozita's arrest.

Can you let me know what is going on with this case and when it will next be on the court's calender?

Hugh McBryde
Modern Pharisee Blogspot."
This is his reply:
"Mr. McBride [sic],

The next court dates for Rozita Swinton’s case are Jan 6, 2010 for pre-trial readiness and Jan 13, 2010 for JT. Because this is a open case which is currently being prosecuted by the 4th Judicial District Attorney’s Office, I am unable to answer any further questions about this case.

Frederick Stein

Senior Deputy District Attorney

4th Judicial District Attorney's Office


frederickstein@elpasoco.com "
I of course, told you it would be delayed, again.

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1 comment:

kbp said...

Certainly not SOP for a "misdemeanor case in El Paso county".

The record here can only raise suspicions.