Monday, November 09, 2009

Raymond Jessop's sentencing seems to spark more life out of his defense team

Again, Brooke Adams is there, and is providing reliable updates through her "Twitter" account.
It would seem things are going to spill over into tomorrow, maybe longer? There is more at the San Angelo Standard-Times:
"While 51st District Judge Barbara Walther surveyed the prosecution’s evidence about the accusations Monday morning, Stevens regularly informed her of his numerous objections ranging from hearsay to violation of the constitutional right to freedom of religion.

And Walther regularly responded that she wasn’t yet granting admittance to the evidence but just examining it, suggesting Stevens was jumping the gun.

She was also pushing to complete the punishment phase."
What? Stevens doesn't trust Walther? Her pattern is to push people up against an iron clad deadline of her own making, dropping a ruling on them and shutting them up. All the while we know what her ruling will be, only she says she hasn't made up her mind.

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