Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"Something More Than This"

October Project is a now defunct band, fronted by several very good vocalists, the best of which was probably Mary Fahl.
"In the shadow cast as you were leaving,
In the beauty of the ending day,
There is always something to return to,
Something you allow to slip away,
In the empty corners of the evening,
In the vacant beauty of the wind,
There is always something to remember,
Something to remember,
To begin,
I need no shelter,
I need no guide,
I'll be alone on this long dark ride...

Whatever you fear,
Whatever you hide,
Whatever you carry deep inside,
There's something more than this...

Whatever you love,
Whatever you give,
Whatever you think you need to live,
There's something more than this.

In the shadow cast as you were leaving,
In the beauty of the ending day,
There is always something to believe in,
Something... I watch you slip away.

I need no shelter,
I need no guide,
I'll be alone on this long dark ride...

Whatever you fear,
Whatever you hide,
Whatever you carry deep inside,
There's something more than this...

Whatever you love,
Whatever you give,
Whatever you think you need to live,
There's something more than this."
I'm featuring the song in a widget at the top of my blog, while I experiment with the idea of a playlist of songs. We'll see how it works.

Good songs from my point of view (the only one important when listening for your own pleasure) are remarkable in their ability to produce all sorts of reactions. This one pushes me close to tears. I feel things, smell things, and almost see things while listening to it, all of places far away. The light dims and changes color in the room. That, in my book, is a great song.

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