For other travelers with different flights to connect with, this may represent a problem. For me, not so much, yet. My connecting flight is 10 hours from takeoff. Anyone who loves me, likes me, loathes me, and wants to meet me can still do so at the Seattle Airport. Judging from the tepid response so far, I'll be reading, not visiting.
But WAIT! There's MORE!
When half the TSA screening crew departed, that didn't look good. When the ground crew started unloading the bags off the plane a few minutes ago, it began to look like they wouldn't be flying us out at 1:45pm MDT either. Or using that plane. At least you hope they won't when that sort of thing happens.
Oh look! A new lie?
It's looking more and more as if we will be departing at 4pm (ish) based on a few hints. The explanations are either unsatisfactory or downright scary. The announcer here at Johnson-Bell Field said something about permission from Seattle to refuel the plane and an issue with a flight crew member.
Um, guys? Do you tell me things like that? Really?
But WAIT! There's MORE!
"Alaska Airlines flight 2349 is delayed. Departure from Missoula Johnson-Bell Field (MSO) is now estimated at 1:45PM. Estimated arrival at Seattle/Tacoma Intl (SEA) is now 2:09PM."That is, unless it is delayed again. I have email updates and know slightly ahead of the rest of the waiting passengers that something is not going to be on time or as planned.
When half the TSA screening crew departed, that didn't look good. When the ground crew started unloading the bags off the plane a few minutes ago, it began to look like they wouldn't be flying us out at 1:45pm MDT either. Or using that plane. At least you hope they won't when that sort of thing happens.
Oh look! A new lie?
"Alaska Airlines flight 2349 is delayed. Departure from Missoula Johnson-Bell Field (MSO) is now estimated at 2:05PM. Estimated arrival at Seattle/Tacoma Intl (SEA) is now 2:29PM."Yeah, right...
It's looking more and more as if we will be departing at 4pm (ish) based on a few hints. The explanations are either unsatisfactory or downright scary. The announcer here at Johnson-Bell Field said something about permission from Seattle to refuel the plane and an issue with a flight crew member.
Um, guys? Do you tell me things like that? Really?
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Drunk pilot?
Layovers like that suck.
It didn't work well for some, but my connecting flight didn't leave until 11:15 pm PDT. I could have been 6 hours late, and it wouldn't have mattered.
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