Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Plot around Flora thickens

Warren's attorneys now request that inteview dates on the three Texas law enforcement personnel, be moved. They are also happy to give Flora a video record of her testimony.

The Kingman Daily Miner - "(Richard Wright and Michael Piccarreta) stated that they would accommodate a request from Jessop to videotape the interview as a memento for the witness.

Wright and Piccarreta then requested that Mohave County Superior Court Judge Steven Conn ordered a deposition with Jessop at a time and place convenient to all parties and 'without the attendance of television cameras and reporters.'

Jeffs' two attorneys requested that the dates of the depositions of three Texas law enforcement officers be moved from Dec. 16 and 17 to Dec. 18 and 19.

Conn has yet to rule on the motions. "

The attorneys clearly wished to have Flora's interview before the depositions of David Doran, et al. The time frame gave them about two weeks (taking off for Thanksgiving) to review the information they obtained from her. It would appear that they have reason to believe what Flora tells them will influence what they ask of Texas.

I think Conn will probably grant the motion for a deposition of Flora. She now has a few days to find an attorney, sit down with him, review her testimony and give the deposition, assuming Conn speedily grants the deposition request, and sets an aggressive date for Flora to be deposed.

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cheese said...

Hugh, The reason Flora wanted to have her boyfriend video the interview is so she could let doran et al know what was coming.

Hugh McBryde said...

Too easy these days. For that Flora could wear a wire. If she brought her own attorney(s), same thing.

Assuming they communicate, Doran is tipped off as soon as the deposition is over. It would seem though that Warren's attorneys want to know what Flora knows before talking to Doran and company.