Saturday, July 31, 2010

Jeffs' "Squeeze Play"

Since we know Utah won't "retry" Warren, but instead will pretend to want to try him, what's up with the "Speedy Trial" request?

Let's go to the Texas Tribune for this quote:
"Paul Murphy, a spokesman in the Utah Attorney General’s Office, said Utah has not yet decided whether to seek a new trial — and that officials there probably won’t make the call until after he’s prosecuted in Texas."
Warren is saying, "Make the Call Paul."

Utah then has to either drop the charges now, because Warren wants his speedy trial, not later, after Texas has had their turn at him, or Warren will stay in Utah for the new trial and Teas can't have him until Utah is done with him.

The "New Trial" proceedings would work well for Warren because the fist of several appeals may well have been heard already by the time the "New Trial" is figured out, to have a new trial, or not to have one.

If ultimately it's "Not a trial" instead of a trial, then Warren goes to Texas a free man and an innocent man. In the meantime, with a bail reduction hearing, Warren walk at least for a little bit before he heads for Texas.

All of this is iffy, but Warren and his lawyers are forcing the hand of Utah so that they can't play Paul Murphy's card. Utah will have to try him again (and they'll lose this time) or Utah will have to dismiss the charges. Either way Warren wins something. I'm betting he'd like his trial again in Utah. That takes more time.

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