Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Warren's Extradition Hearing is a week from today (UPDATED & Confirmed)

In front of Judge Terry Christiansen.

I was hearing yesterday, and read a brief blurb at a local TV affiliate in Salt Lake, that Warren Jeffs would have his hearing next Tuesday. Nothing else though, except this:
"An extradition hearing in the Warren Jeffs case has been set for July 27 at 1:30 pm @ the West Jordan Courthouse, Judge Terry Christiansen."
Not wanting to spread rumors on something a week out, that wouldn't change in all likelyhood, I asked a source for confirmation. Now the rumor mill (which might be based on the same little snippet) is saying the same thing.

The text only survives in a "Google" search and refers to the same story I read, but that story did not contain those details, when I read it. It sounds like someone was either wrong, or asked to be less specific. The Deseret News and Associated Press are now confirming the story, which also corroborates my information that the "real" hearing, will be in 30 days. About 60 days from when service was first attempted on Warren:
"Utah courts spokeswoman Nancy Volmer said Jeffs will be asked to sign the papers again at a July 27 hearing before 3rd District Judge Terry Christiansen. If Jeffs declines, Volmer said another hearing would likely be set."
The more I read on "extradition," the more this looks like a case not of extradition, but "rendition."

What do I know? Someone will set me straight, I'm sure.

Another rumor I am hearing is that there will be an evidentiary hearing with relationship to Warren's extradition and/or rendition. I don't know what venue this will take place in, and again, it's a rumor.

If it is in Utah, this is why I predict the charges may very well be dropped. Them big hats in Texas, won't show if the Judge is anywhere near fair, and allows Doran and Long (and others) to be questioned under oath.

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