Monday, June 29, 2009

Gerry in Overtime? FLDS Evidence response overdue?

Gerry Goldstein hasn't filed his argument in the FLDS evidence suppression hearing, and by my reckoning, he had until about the 17th or 18th of this month, at the latest to do so.

From what I'm hearing, some conversation has been going on between Goldstein and Walther's court and it involves all 12 defendants coordinating. From the linked article in the San Angelo Standard Times, I'm not sure if Texas had three weeks and Goldstein 30 days, or if they ran back to back or if one filed first and then the other. If they ran concurrently, time is officially up. If the State filed first, Gerry had three weeks from about the 17th or so, and that would make it all come together around about week of July 6th. Next week. Roughly.

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