Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Tribune Switches Sides?

Sensing (perhaps) that there is a big story about to be told without them concerning the UEP trust, the Salt Lake Tribune goes from the studied every so subtly "anti FLDS" detachment of Brooke Adams, to the outright advocacy of Rebecca Walsh. The following appears in today's edition of the Salt Lake Tribune, in the Polygamy section:
"This week, the attorney general and lawyers for the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints working on a settlement discovered Wisan's $360,000 fire sale of cow flesh in a footnote filed in court. Wisan's last-minute deal smells bad."
I'll say. But for years it's been merely reporting the claims of the FLDS and their attorneys that Wisan was a thief, now with the carcass of his bad deals showing up undeniably in court, the Tribune finds a voice and chimes in, clearly on the side of the FLDS. It makes you wonder, when will someone move off the fence in the case of the raid? Must there be an Island Pond smoking gun discovered? Flora Jessop meeting with David Doran, Bruce Long, Barbara Walther, Becky Hoerth and Rozita Swinton and Flora saying: "Now, here's my plan..," all on video tape?
"Attorney for the FLDS Rod Parker believes Wisan is trying to derail the settlement to keep his expensive gig going. Meantime, he says, the trustee is cannibalizing the FLDS assets.

'It's gotten to the point where the fiduciary's not answerable to the attorney general anymore. He's vastly outpaced his mandate,' Parker says. 'If the FLDS had sold $360,000 of cattle under the table, there would be hell to pay. There should be hell to pay for the fiduciary.'

At the same time, Wisan is fighting charges of trespassing in Arizona after his employee entered two homes in Colorado City without the residents' permission.

White (Wisan) knight unmounted."
It's good to see the Tribune reporting (finally) but what ever happened to the reporter that went out and found a story, as opposed to the cheerleader reporters we have now, that call the game forensically, from the sidelines?

There's sufficient evidence out there to ask the questions and tell the story of what really happened leading up to the raid. If reporters wait until it's presented as an exhibit in court, we can all kiss our freedom goodbye.

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