Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama IS a Muslim and a Foreigner. Well, he's a MARXIST and wouldn't tell us....

Touching on a point made in the last post, Obama is a Marxist and wouldn't tell us and has misled us and the press has let him.

I haven't joined the clamor of "Obama is a Muslim" because it's the kind of wacky loony fringe statement that gets passed around without documentation. Barry didn't name himself Hussein. Mom and Dad did. Hardly his fault.

But in light of recent revelations we all suspected (on the right) would come out, Barack is shown to be a thoroughgoing sincere unrepentant MARXIST. He lies about it. He threatens and punishes when confronted with those questions.

Wouldn't Barack HUSSEIN Obama then LIE about his "Muslim Faith" and pretend to be a Christian to get elected? It makes sense, he lied and covered up in the case of his Marxism.

Wouldn't Barack HUSSEIN Obama then LIE about his foreign citizenship and pretend to be eligible for the highest office of the land? It makes sense, he lied and covered up his Marxism.

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