Monday, March 02, 2009

Warren Jeffs to finally get his evidence hearing?

The state of Arizona had until end of month, last month, to reply to Michael Piccarreta's request for a hearing. Apparently, the didn't. They just let the time run out.
The Kingman Daily Miner - "According to (Michael Piccarreta's) motion, efforts to resolve the issues have been unsuccessful.

Both parties had until Friday to submit their decision on whether to hold an evidentiary hearing on the matter. Otherwise, the court will set a date and time for a hearing."
There was no such cooperative agreement, so now it appears that Judge Conn, who is bent on getting this done this month, will set a hearing date. This month. We'll wait and see.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I anticipate he will suppress all raid evidence, mainly because of the information withheld.

I also anticipate Texas does not care to defend the raid in Arizona.