Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Should the Children of Polygyny be taken from their parents?

How do you comment on a story like this?

The Salt Lake Tribune
- "Should the state prosecute polygamous parents and remove their children from their homes?

That question will be vetted by Marci A. Hamilton and Kirk Torgensen on Wednesday during the 25th annual Jefferson B. Fordham debate at the University of Utah College of Law. The debate is at 6 p.m. in the Sutherland Moot Courtroom.

Hamilton is a law professor at the Cardozo School of Law in New York City, and author of 'God vs. Gavel' and 'Justice Denied.' She says failure of states to prosecute polygamists has created 'dangerous cults like the FLDS,' a failure she attributes to authorities being 'timid in the face of specious claims of religious liberty.'

Torgensen is chief deputy in the Utah Attorney General's Office and assisted in prosecutions of two polygamists: Rodney Holm and Warren S. Jeffs, both of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff has said that prosecuting all polygamists is impractical given limited law enforcement and public resources; he has instead advocated focusing on crimes within polygamous communities."

Please don't tell me that any state money is being used to put on this show or that anyone will be surprised at the outcome.

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S931Coder said...

It's astonishing that the public (or at least those in charge who pretend to know what's best) does not recognize the overt bigotry possessed by this Marci Hamilton. Personally, I think she's trying to destroy the Constitution. And it appears she's jewish, which might produce in her a motive for destroying a perceived white supremist group.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Conspiracy to commit genocide! Pretty serious crime! I grew up with Rodney and knew Uncle warren, niether man ever showed anything but pure clean morals! Rodney could have had any girl he chose, instead he waited on the prophets to give him his ladies! They are both clean men physically and spiritually!!

Unknown said...

"It appears she's Jewish"? How so? I couldn't find any indication that that was the case.