Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Coleman Gains Ground on Franken's "Turf"

Hat Tip "Minnesota Democrats Exposed."

Pioneer Press - "As Minnesota's recount in the U.S. Senate race marches on, campaign operatives have focused on the color of the ballots being counted.

Are the piles of recounted ballots from red counties, where Republican Sen. Norm Colman might be expected to pick up a few stray votes? Or blue counties, where DFL challenger Al Franken might have the advantage?

But Minneapolisthe biggest, bluest pile of allis turning that logic on its head. With nearly half of its ballots recounted, the city Franken calls home isn't doing the candidate any favors. And that could be dimming Franken's hopes of catching Coleman before the state canvassing board meets Dec. 16.

'Things are clearly moving in the wrong direction for Franken,' said Larry Jacobs, director of the University of Minnesota's Center for the Study of Politics and Governance.

With fewer than half of the ballots counted in Minneapolis, Franken has lost 86 votes, while Coleman has lost just 37. In other words, the city could be blunting any recount advantage Franken might have in the rest of the state as the recount rolls toward its Dec. 5 deadline."

That's a net gain of 39 votes for Coleman. It isn't over until it's over, but I find the recount disparity on Franken turf to be fascinating. Could it be someone padded things a little for Al?

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