Friday, May 15, 2009

And the hearing is on? Or Not? (UPDATED)

It's always hard to tell with Barbara Walther, who autocratically makes things up as she goes along. It looks like we're having our hearing though.
The San Angelo Standard-Times - "After two days of presentations from attorneys, 51st District Judge Barbara Walther this morning issued the decision to continue with witness testimony."
So much for allegations of "falsified evidence." If there was, or was not, it apparently didn't impact the decision to continue, so we continue. It looks like I was right last night when I stepped out on a limb and made my prediction. Just call me "Huey the Pharisee," courtroom odds maker. Better yet. Don't. (Puh-leez don't.)

This is a new ball game. Whatever went on yesterday doesn't matter. Right, wrong, spit, fume, it's no longer relevant. There's an evidence hearing. The record starts now. If you didn't like the call in game six, that's too bad. Game seven is on, for all the marbles. It may have multiple overtimes.

I wouldn't be terribly surprised if she tries to make it a short show hearing and end it today. I'm not betting on that but this is "Athaliah" after all. Look for her to definitely try to wrap it up by next Friday, the "Long News Desert" known as Memorial Day Weekend.

(UPDATED) To hear Brooke Adams tell it though, this is a hearing about a hearing, with witnesses.
"51st District Judge Barbara Walther will first hear from Texas Ranger Brooks Long. Earlier, defense attorneys, led by Gerald Goldstein of San Antonio, had identified at least 12 witnesses they plan to call if the judge grants a hearing."

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