Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Jessop's Wars, part deux!

Barbara Jessop responds to allegations of coaching her child.
Found at "The Plural Life."
"The report submitted to the Court by CASA was submitted to the press by an 'anonymous' source. Neither Barbara Jessop nor anyone acting on her behalf made the contents of this report public. The Department’s Attorney has advised Barbara Jessop's attorneys that neither she nor the department made the contents of the report public. Both the Department and Jessop are joining in the Motion to Seal the CASA report as neither side believes that this report should have been made public. The Motions are to be heard on Friday at the Tom Greene County Courthouse.

Any report prepared by CASA which involves the interest of a minor child should not be released to the press by an 'anonymous' source. The publication of this report is inappropriate.

Jessop’s attorneys have reviewed the CASA report and compared it to complete transcriptions of the text messages prepared by the Department. Jessop's attorneys do not believe the statements contained in the CASA report accurately reflect the actual text messages and were taken out of context. It is believed that CASA’s report was submitted to the Court several days prior to CASA actually receiving the telephone texts from DFPS.

Jessop's attorneys believe that CASA's recommendations are not supported by DFPS. They further believe that the recommendations are inappropriate, factually incorrect and heavy handed.

Jessop's attorneys intend to file a response to the report as well as several other motions addressing the issue.

They further request that the media refrain from publishing any further reports or discovery made in connection with this case so as to maintain the right of privacy of the individuals involved as well as ensure a fair trial for all parties.

Submitted by:

Attorneys for Barbara Jessop:

Valerie J. Malara and Brett Pritchard"
It would appear they're not denying all of the allegations which amount in my view to people fighting the good fight anyway. Someone was way out of line, and I am sure this is all connected to the resignation of Carmen Dusek.

There is more information on this story at The San Angelo Standard-Times;

The following motions have been filed and are expected to be taken up by Walther on Friday:

  1. To seal a transcript of the deposition of ranch leader Merril Jessop, Barbara Jessop's husband, and the father of the 14-year-old girl.
  2. To seal a transcript of the subsequent hearing over whether to compel Jessop's testimony.
  3. To seal the CASA report.
  4. To allow Carmen Dusek, the court-appointed attorney for the girl named in the CASA report, to withdraw from the case for "professional considerations."
  5. To remove Denton attorney Natalie Malonis, who is representing a 17-year-old girl alleged to have been married at age 15 to one of the Jessops' adult sons. The girl has been dropped from the state's child-custody investigation, but Malonis is seeking child support and other financial considerations for the girl.

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1 comment:

travis preneta_and -his -mommy_ tina -preneta said...

i lost my only son because casa promised him to a foster family who despreatly needed a child casa did everything in there power to make that happen and she sucedded i never had a chance fought three years did everything passed everything even 3 hair tests but they are all corrupt i am never going to be the same please get them for the snakes they are they need to be caught i promise i willteach in my community teach woman how to fight i went into it blind now i can see clearly and the fight has just begun look out lake county also please cheak out she tells a story that most woman have gone through and sign her pettion