Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Piccarreta says he won't depose Rebecca Musser, if she cooperates. (Interview may already be over)

This motion was filed yesterday,
in Mohave County.

"The defendant, Warren Jeffs, replies to the State's Response to Motion for Deposition of Witness Rebecca Musser. As indicated in the original motion, Ms. Musser was instructed by representatives of Texas to not discuss matters relating to Texas. As long as she is willing to answer questions relating to matters involved with Texas law enforcement -- including her role in the Texas search warrants and execution thereof, and conversations with these representatives -- in a full and frank manner, counsel is agreeable to conduct another interview regarding those matters and will do so in good faith. Counsel has asked the State to arrange a telephonic interview in the immediate future. This Court is requested to hold this motion in abeyance pending completion of that interview. If the Texas authorities instruct Ms. Musser to participate in continued gamesmanship and not answer questions, counsel will ask the Court to order the deposition and seek sanctions. On the other hand, if Ms. Musser cooperates, this motion to depose will be withdrawn. Counsel will advise the Court of the status of the motion to depose after completion of the interview. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 5th day of February, 2009."

My guess? The motion has been withdrawn already, and the interview has been completed. He didn't get his deposition, and that's because he didn't need one. Rebecca has now cooperated. We'll see.

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1 comment:

S931Coder said...

They need to depose Rozita Swinton! and her cousin!