Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sound and Fury at the FLDS Grand Jury

All that rumbling, and still no lightning;

The San Angelo Standard-Times - ELDORADO - "The Schleicher County grand jury broke for lunch just before noon today, and so far no indictments have been handed down.

A man who identified himself only as Ben, a Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints member, said most of the sect women subpoenaed to testify were planning to invoke their Fifth Amendment rights by refusing to testify because the information could incriminate them. With the exception of spokesman Willie Jessop, most sect members divulge only their first names."

I am counting on the storm clouds putting out SOME rain and SOME lightning later. But so far nothing.

"Ben's" observation pretty much confirms that the FLDS women who testified LAST time the Grand Jury met did precisely the same thing, they plead the fifth. Technically polygamy is a crime, so they can hide behind the fifth all day long and not testify. So far at least, there is no evidence that Texas has secured the necessary immunities from neighboring states to offer immunity to the women, and gain their testimony.

That, or they don't want to offer immunity.

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