Friday, May 23, 2008

CPS Decides to FIGHT.

Believe it, it's their jobs that are on the line. It's not about the children anymore, the children can be raped and killed as far as they are concerned. They need to buy time until they "find" a crime that they haven't found yet.

Fox News - SAN ANGELO, Texas - "Texas child welfare authorities are planning to appeal a stinging ruling that found they had no right to seize more than 440 children from a polygamist sect's ranch."

Fight to the death. Frankly I don't think they exactly saw this type of ruling coming, so whatever these rubes come up with, they're just going to be making it up, in my humble immediate estimation.

"Osler McCarthy, a spokesman for the Texas Supreme Court, said Child Protective Services notified the court (today) that 'they will file something today.'"

This is all about trying to go into the Memorial day weekend on top of the news cycle, not at the bottom of it. It's all politics, it's all survival, they haven't even gotten their reply put together yet, and if they have, they're waiting until no one can reply to it until TUESDAY.

UPDATE: It does appear that they had their reply ready this morning, but wanted to grandstand and run before the Memorial day weekend. The Salt Lake Tribune.

"A department spokesman had planned a statement this morning, but postponed it until after a 1:30 p.m. Central time hearing regarding Louisa Bradshaw, who gave birth while in state custody. Bradshaw is one of three women named in mandamus appeal that was approved by the 3rd Court of Appeals in Austin on Thursday."

Yeah and by that time every potentate has hit the asphalt for their memorial day weekend. This is tactical and meant to keep control of the news cycle throughout the weekend.

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