Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Ever Weirder Case of Rozita Swinton

I have corresponded (I have every reason to believe) with Kate Rosemary aka Merry Cate Noel who may yet have one or two more aliases that I can think of. I have no reason to believe that either alias is an actual person. I have been told that Kate Rosemary is the pen name of the author of the two books that are quoted by the "Westview" and by KRDO.

Among the questions that Merry Kate Rosemary Noel refused to answer, per agreement with Rozita's attorney was whether or not she herself was Rozita Swinton. Lest too much be read into that, I would say there are other reasons that Rozita's apparent foster parent might not wish to answer any questions. This however is truly curious.

I identified myself as who I am and what I am doing. I asked the following questions;

"One, that you are not Rozita Swinton herself. This is a small possibility but one that needs to be eliminated.

Two, who you are. I am told Kate Rosemary is a pen name, a 'nom de plume,' but that 'Merry Noel' might in fact be your name.

Three, that the 'Rozita' of your book is the 'Rozita Swinton' of the FLDS case."

Her answer was to refer me to Rozita's attorney with whom she says she has made the agreement not to speak to anyone else.

To be clear here. Ms. Swinton's apparent foster parent is an author and deliberately drew attention to herself in offering her two books in which she says Rozita appears. Those books are drawn on by the "Westview" in articles that contain extremely flattering portraits of Rozita. The article draws on other sources that are not stated to paint a picture of abduction, abuse, wild travel through Texas and into California, eventually winding up in Colorado. At some point Rozita is claimed to have served as a Nanny in Utah and wound up LDS (not FLDS) and went to El Salvador as a missionary.

I have confirmed directly with the LDS church that Rozita was never a missionary. The picture of her in the "Westview" is an extremely personal sort of picture, one that would have had to have been provided to her foster parent or the "Westview" from Rozita's own collection. That picture could easily have been taken by Rozita just about anywhere in Tennessee or Colorado but is allegedly a picture of her in El Salvador. I conclude so far that both the publishers at Westview are her friends and protectors and that her apparent foster parent (Merry Kate Rosemary Noel) is also her friend and protector. I think she should at least answer the question as to whether or not she and Rozita are one in the same. At this point I rather doubt it. It was denied once rather confidently by Merry Kate Rosemary Noel's publisher, but she has not denied it and says she can't speak, by agreement with Rozita's attorney. Odd.

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