I'm going to write this as if I suspect Kate Rosemary/Merry Cate Noel, the apparent foster parent of Rozita Swinton, is in fact, Rozita Swinton. A disclaimer. I'm not to the point where I would bet my life that way by a long shot. I put the odds at less that 1 in 10 right now, but humor me for a bit.
Let's review.
In June of 2005, Rozita has begun to be noticed as a false report phone caller in the Colorado Springs area.
In April of 2006, the Vanity publisher "Westview Publishing" prints at the author's expense and request, "The Feminization of Job" by "Merry Cate Noel." The most frequent reference to the name "Merry Noel" is a movie (Rich and Famous) staring Candice Bergen, among others. In the book our author, now known as "Kate Rosemary" mentions a "Rozita" who is later offered at what had to be the authors specific request as the "Rozita Swinton" of the FLDS Fiasco in Texas. Dr. Peggy Ann Way of Eden Theological Seminary and Vanderbilt University in Nashville is listed as writing a "blurb" reviewing the book favorably. The author, by her account is still taking care of foster children. We know that Peggy is real.
September 2006. "Peggy Way" creates the web site "Recycled Dreams." It is registered in a way designed to shield the site owner from immediate contact. The address and phone number given for contact are "blind." You only contact the domain name registration service, not "Peggy Way." Part of the service at the web site is the creation of "Email" accounts. The site has only one page with a short poetic message of hope rising from despair. It is never modified. It has an "Alexa" page rank so low that it isn't measured. Emails seem to originate from the server on which the web site exists. Dr. Way from all indications is internet averse, not savvy.
September 2007. Whoever it is that owns the site "Recycled Dreams," renews their domain name registration. Peggy Way is still listed as the site owner.
January 2008, the book "Raising Shane" is published, again by Westview. This time by Kate Rosemary, not Merry Cate Noel. The Book again mentions Rozita by first name as before, in the book "The Feminization of Job (AKA "After Disclosure"). Martha Whitmore Hickman, a writer of successful children's books writes a "blurb" which she acknowledges is hers to me via email that is favorable to the book. Martha later claims "Kate Rosemary" is white, but will not answer a question as to whether or not she has actually met "Kate Rosemary." We know that Martha is real.
February 2008. Rozita is arrested in Colorado Springs and appears in court. The records are sealed. She apparently gets a "deferred prosecution." That means if she keeps her nose clean the charges will later be dropped.
March 2008. Rozita begins to call Texas shelters as "Sarah." Calls also go to Flora Jessops.
April 2008. YFZ is raided. Texas Rangers track the phone calls back to Rozita. It is learned that among many phones Rozita uses, some numbers are registered to her, to her brother Courtney and to a "Freddie Brinson." The phones were bought in Washington state, Colorado and Tennessee, near Nashville. The area codes for those "prepaid" phones are from Colorado, Washington and Tennessee. Westview Publishing eagerly offers quotes from both books, one of which is in the process of being retitled. The information that the "Rozita" of those two books is our "Rozita" could only have come from the Author and only have been at her specific pointed request to the publisher. That is unless the publisher personally knows Rozita.
"The Westview" publishes a "puff piece" publicity type article on Rozita including photos that had to come from Rozita herself. The article contains numerous factual errors that tend to be complimentary to Rozita. The Westview is owned by the Vanity publisher "Kate" uses and is circulated in and around Nashville.
May 2008. KRDO in Denver repeats many of the factual errors of the article in the "Westview" and uses the personal photograph given to the Westview by Rozita. When contacted Martha Whitmore Hickman offers an email address for "Kate," the apparent foster parent of Rozita. "Kate" immediately responds to inquiries using "kate.rosemary@recycleddreams.org" as opposed to the email address given by Martha Whitmore Hickman. "Kate" will not acknowledge that she and "Merry Cate Noel" are one in the same and refused to answer a question as to whether or not she and Rozita are one in the same, citing an agreement with Rozita Swinton's lawyer David W. Foley, Colorado Springs. Her curious phrasing is "I have agreed to Mr. Foley's request that I not speak with anyone else about Rozita without his prior authorization. You will have to go through him." This would not apply to her speaking about herself, unless she and Rozita are the same person. I repeat my original qualification that I am not willing at this time to believe that they are the same person. The statement would however fit with the idea that "Kate" and Rozita are one in the same. "Kate" could not of course speak of herself if she is in fact Rozita.
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