Thursday, May 08, 2008

A New Media Front opens on the FLDS Fiasco. The Austin American-Statesman.

Yup, learn how you get a reporter in front of you, and you THINK they're telling your story, and they're not. Since it's now at the State Level, with a Special Persecutor (sorry, Prosecutor) the Austin American-Statesman just EXPLODED with articles, after having been largely silent. The paper quotes an Isaac Wyler.

"'We are adding up the number of men who may be going to prison,' said Isaac Wyler, 42, the eldest of Wyler's 34 children, who was examining the list Sunday to see which men may have had wives under the legal age when they married."

That was not smart Isaac. I'm not even sure Mr. Wyler knows how many men could go to jail in Texas. In theory at least we're talking no more than 3. Two of the men with potentially underage brides are in fact very young themselves, and monogamists in practice, at the moment.

The article goes on to say that changes are being made. Subtle ones that may produce the unintended consequence of making it harder to conduct another raid such as happened in Eldorado.

"But as the raid's impact is digested there, individual FLDS families are making new decisions, too. In the past month, dozens of families have come forward to cooperate with a court-appointed officer and sign documents that could allow them to stay in their homes, most of which are owned by a trust once controlled by Warren Jeffs. Jeffs, the FLDS leader, is in prison after being convicted last year of being an accomplice to the rape of a 14-year-old."
There is a clear attack on FLDS ways, with property now being apportioned in some way to individuals. While it is probably not the goal of those who are trying to break Warren's control over the FLDS, it may do them some good. Documenting individual residences will make it harder for someone to serve and execute a search warrant on the scale they did in Texas.

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